25 Rubles - Commemorative banknote
Original size: 129 x 56 mm
MD-SN - BNP206a
© Banknote design copyright by the Bank of the Transnistrian Republic
Vorderseite: Porträt des russischen Feldherrn Alexander Suworow (1730 - 1800); Reiterstatue A. Suworows im Hintergrund; Initialen der Nationalbank;
Auf den Gedenkanlass
verweisender Text im Inneren einer Rosette. |
Front side: Portrait of the Russian military leader Alexander Suvorov (1730 - 1800); A. Suvorov equestrial statue in the background; Bank initials; Commemorative
text inside of a rosette. |
Remarks |
2.020 notes (Overprints on B212b) were introduced in folders on 22. August 2014 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Transnistria's national currency. |