Banner Thailand

500 Baht

Issuing authority: Bank of Thailand

Original size: 156 x 72 mm

TH - B196a

© Banknote design copyright by the Government of Thailand

Deutsch Englisch

Vorderseite: Porträt des thailändischen Königs Maha Vajiralongkorn (*1952); Garuda (Misch­wesen aus Adler und Mensch), das Hoheits­zeichen Thailands.
Rückseite: Garuda-Emblem; König Prajadhipok (Rama VII,) bei der Unterzeichnung der ersten Verfassung Thailands; Porträt von König Prajadhipok; Porträt von König Ananda Mahidol; König Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII.) und Prinz Bhumibol besuchen Sampheng (Bangkok).

Front side: Portrait of the King of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn (*1952); Royal Garuda emblem, representing a man with wings and some bird features..
Back side: Royal Garuda emblem; King Prajadhipok (Rama VII.) signing the first constitution of Thailand; Portrait of King Prajadhipok; Portrait of King Ananda Mahidol; King Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII.) visiting Sampheng (Bangkok) together with Prince Bhumibol.



Not dated.
Signature of (Minister of Finance) Apisak TantivorawongSignature of A. Tantivorawong and (Governor) Veerathai SantiprabhopSignature of V. Santiprabhop. Rama X. and electrotype 500 as watermark. Windowed Rolling StarSecurity thread combining the effect of tiny microscopic mirrors with colour shift. (Zoom) security thread with demetalized text on the front side. Golden SPARK SPARK is a security element based on optical variable magnetic ink. Live element (stylized flower) on the front side. OMRON-ringsElement to recognize banknotes by scanners, printers and copy machines. of both sides. Iridiscent ornaments of the front side. One horizontal (Thai characters) and one vertical (Western characters) red 7-digit serial number with a 2-character alphanumerical prefix on the front side. Both serial numbers have digits of the same size. Printed by Note Printing Works, Thailand.


Introduced on 28. July 2018.